
Electrobooking Presents United Forces of Hardtek, Chapter 3: Revolution (Mixed by Darktek & Vandal)


    Tekno Shock Resonate I Believe Bobybulldog Panic El Bastardo Que du sale Kamehameha Jungle Terror Slap Vegan de merde RAW Faya Deadpulp Mr Robot Duckface Get the Fuck out of Here Luigi's Adventure Godkillerz Chichovite The Universe CRTL Revival Ganja Smoker Ragga Dealer Dutty Soul Sekkle the Score Yaga Yaga Big Bag (Vandal RMX) Number One Sound No Time Ganja Planta Rolling Paper Bring the Heat Ghetto Thief 2019 RMX Roll the Selection Gunshots Hypocrites & Badmind Playground Fraida Dem Khalinkaa